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キーボードぶっ壊れたっぽい…/My keyboard seems broken...

執筆者の写真: Akari KaidaAkari Kaida

長年使ってきた88鍵のmidiコントローラー。KX-8というYAMAHAさんのデカい鍵盤(とーぜんすでに廃盤)なのですが どーもVEL127しか出せなくなってる感じ…orz 遂に壊れたか… まあ10年くらい使ったししょうがないよな…˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚ 






studiologic SL88 GLAND/STUDIO

Roland A-88

楽器やさんで試し弾きさせてもらった結果、鍵盤の弾いた感じや跳ね返り、ベンドのホイールとかがA-88のほうが個人的に良かったので A-88をお買い上げしましたです。

今のKX-8と比べたらかなりスリムちゃんなので デスクに余裕ができそうで嬉しいですw


My MIDI controller seems broken.. I have used this 88keys controller names KX-8 from YAMAHA for a decade. This time it seems to make all the notes with VEL127... oh well...

And I decided to buy a new controller. I used to play piano mainly and so I definitely want the new controller to have 88keys and piano-like switch. But I am not gonna use it outside for gigs and it doesn't have to have instruments modules inside and speakers either.

Then I guess

studiologic SL88 GLAND/STUDIO


Roland A-88

will be the one.

I tried to play them at the instruments stores and decided to buy A-88 which I liked the feeling when touch the keys and also the wheels too.

It's body is a lot smaller than my current contoller, I think I'll have some spaces on my desk, whichs nice!




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